Medical Camp conducted for the Senior Citizen
Dr. Prabha Adhikari, HOD of Geriatrics, Yenepoya Medical College and Convenor, PAGE & Spoorthi, inaugurated the camp by lighting the lamp in presence of Shri H. Nagaraj Bhat Hon. Secretary, Seva Bharathi, Dr. Vijayalakshmi, Specialist (ENT), Shri P. Vinod Shenoy Treasurer, Seva Bharathi and Shri Umesh Shenoy Convener, Anantha Soukhya.
Dr. Adhikari in her address put light on interrelation between Diabetes and other ailments, stressed the need to undergo relevant tests by the senior citizens from time to time to maintain good health
The doctors of different units with their team conducted several tests such as BP, Hb A1c, memory test, Mobility, Balancing, fall risk, Hearing test etc were administered to 80 participants in the camp and gave proper advice.