Vana Mahotsava celebrated at Day care centres
The Divyang children of Adamya Chetana Child Development Centre, Montepadavu celebrated vana mahotsava by planting saplings at the tree park of Madhava Vana on 6.6.2024 in presence of Mr. Akshay Singh, Engineer, Indian Oil Corporation, Divisional Office, Mangalore. Shri H Nagaraj Bhat, Hon. Secretary, Seva Bharathi®. The teachers of the centre co-operated in the program.

Re-opening of our day care centres
Adamya Chetana Day Care Centre, Montepadavu (previously at Ullal town) was re-opened on 3.6.24 in a grand way. As a mark of the re-opening, a procession of divyang children with parents was arranged from nearby Public-School ground. The teachers received the children at the Centre by offering sweets and putting tilak on forehead. A formal inauguration of the Centre was made by lighting the lamp, releasing the coconut flower and also planting the saplings by Shri T G Rajaram Bhat, Correspondent, Sharada Ganapati Vidyakendra, Kairangala associating with Shri Hassan Kunhi, Manager, Takwa School, Naringana and Shri H Nagaraj Bhat Hon. Secretary, Seva Bharathi. Shri Rajaram Bhat in his address lauded the efforts taken up by Seva Bharathi for uplifting divyang community and announced that a team of his school children would be periodically sent to the Centre premises for ‘cleaning works’ and once a month midday meal also be served to the children. Shri Hassan stated that he would extend any help sought by the school. In the beginning, Smt. Deepika welcomed the gathering. Shri Nagraj Bhat briefed the seva Bharathi activities. Shri Muralidhara Mallya, Shri Sundara and Smt. Shrimati, Convener, Helper and volunteer, respectively, of Ullal camp, were honoured during the occasion. Smt. Vanishree proposed vote of thanks and Smt. Usha compered the program.